AReS Libertas ODS6 Server

Testing of E/E systems and vehicle validation is becoming increasingly complex due to the increasing number of variants, regulations, and software systems. Data acquisition systems and loggers record a vast amount of data that must be shared globally for engineers and analysts to work with.


Our “AReS Libertas ODS6 Server” provides the standard HTTP / REST API for seamless integration with different tools and systems, enhancing interoperability in managing and accessing automotive data, particularly in testing and development processes. The server supports multiple data formats and standardizes the information to ensure flexibility and ease of use for all stakeholders. Storing and managing data from most acquisition systems, loggers, test stands, and file formats is possible. Compatibility with any domain, including battery, calibration, logger, NVH, safety, powertrain, and more, is a given.


Libertas is a full JAVA microservices implementation designed to grow with your enterprise's challenges. All HTTP end nodes are scalable, on-demand services within the enterprise or cloud context. The services are fully integrated with Docker and Kubernetes for managed scalability. Various SQL databases, such as PostGres, MSSQL, and Oracle, deliberately support data storage with common access in multiple locations.


Standardized Interface

Standardized interfaces enable different software tools and systems to communicate seamlessly, facilitating data exchange and integration across various platforms. Our AReS Libertas ODS Server is compatible with the ASAM ODS 6.2 API. It is usable with all ASAM ODS clients, and the server applies to all ASAM ODS application models.

Efficient Data Management

The AReS Libertas ODS Server efficiently stores and organizes large datasets generated during testing and development independent of the input format. Data is only stored once and retrieved reduced to the requested data sets for a performant response. Typically, ASAM ODS runs in a “mixed mode” with a central database managing the descriptive data and data repositories for the recorded mass data. Our servers support multiple repositories of any type.

Universal Tool Integration

Many tools integrate seamlessly with our server products, providing data interoperability & exchangeability. Analysis tools like DIAdem, Concerto, and Matlab can seamlessly connect to the AReS Libertas ODS Server. With ASAMCommander and HQL, we offer our own web application and query library to utilize as soon as data is available on the server. Our server uses many homegrown web applications, tool suites, and scripts at tier-1 suppliers and OEMs.

Data Harmonization

The AReS Libertas ODS Server supports integrating various data formats, facilitating seamless data exchange across platforms. Measured data is stored with related information to quickly identify and compare data - even years after recording. Data validation upon import provides standardized data sets in structure and catalogs (units, quantities, physical dimensions). Data integrity and quality are maintained for the business.

Notification- / Event- Server

Every registered event within the AReS Libertas ODS Server can be used as a notification to trigger other system processes. Notifications are based on new measurement identification, changes, and calculation results. They trigger processes within PLM systems, sending emails with or beginning subsequent algorithms.

Security & Authentication

The AReS Libertas ODS Server contains a sophisticated security concept that allows user groups, roles, and other access rules. The security information can be integrated and provided by a corporate authentication system via plug-ins (e.g., LDAP) or OAuth authentication.

Story: Global Enterprise Test Data Management

With our products and services, we handle all processes from data onboarding and validation and data management to data analysis. We specialize in taking time-, frequency-, and event-based raw data from any acquisition system, sensor, vehicle, or proprietary format, combining it with valuable project information. Our ASAM ODS servers are a central gateway for all users and applications in the enterprise working with measured data.

We provide modular and customizable management solutions for end-users (ASAMCommander), a convenient query library (HQL) for tools integration, development, or analysis, and a technology-independent framework for backend integration of custom analysis (Merlin). Our ASAM ODS-based software supports all testing domains, including battery, calibration, emissions, logger, powertrain, NVH, safety, vehicles, and more. Our AReS Gateway can handle large volumes of data, making it suitable for modern automotive applications that require extensive data analysis.

Global Enterprise Test Data Management with HighQSoft products and services


Enhanced Collaboration

The AReS Libertas ODS Server allows teams and stakeholders to share data and insights more easily across departments and projects, improving collaboration and decision-making. This activity is supported by the modular web application ASAMCommander, which visualizes the server's provided features and the tooling in the ecosystem.

Improved Data Quality

Standardization helps maintain data integrity and quality by establishing common data formatting and management protocols. Data is generated with many devices and in various formats that must be validated to be useful and accessible during its lifespan, which could be up to 30 years in the safety domain. A high data quality simplifies running analysis on a broader scope of data without errors.

Data comparability

The standardization of data sets from various sources allows data analysis to produce comparable results for reports or for fulfilling regulatory requirements. Combined with our Merlin/SAM integration, the process of analysis can be automated and transparently executed including documentation of dates, versions, and other information.

Corporate Benefits

Stable Toolchains

A primary reason to rely on the ASAM ODS API is that the toolchain and the ecosystem built on top may remain stable. Often, ASAM ODS systems integrate with many other systems, have many users with different applications, and analysts develop many scripts, which makes adaptations complicated and labor-intensive. With ASAM ODS, this is resolved.

Avoiding tool dependencies

With ASAM ODS, organizations obtain a neutral and transparent API layer that allows them to choose from various compatible tools and solution providers. This avoids being locked into a single vendor, format, or other and provides flexibility in technology selection.

Protection of Investments

Adopting standardized interfaces helps organizations remain adaptable to future technology changes, as new tools that comply with these standards can be integrated with minimal disruption. ASAM ODS is widely used and supported in the industry by suppliers and OEMS. The interface is downward compatible. With our Janus Server, HighQSoft also incorporates non-ODS data from legacy sources into the system.


Docker & Kubernetes

AReS Libertas ODS Server supports Docker containerization. This assists the system's rollout and reduces the administration efforts of customized ASAM ODS systems. With Kubernetes, AReS Libertas ODS Server runs as a service within an orchestrated system environment with automated software deployment, service scaling, and service management.

On-Prem Installations

All software provided by HighQSoft runs in on-prem systems provided by the customer, regardless of whether it is a Windows, Linux, Docker Engine, or Kubernetes setup. We provide a solution for most, if not all, system environments.

Cloud Deployments

All software provided by HighQSoft runs in cloud environments, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Alibaba. We are compatible with Kubernetes and Openshift. Most storage options, such as data buckets, are supported. Authentication with OAuth is also supported.

Companies using Avalon ODS Server

HighQSoft GmbH

Black-und-Decker-Straße 17c
D-65510 Idstein