ASAM ATFx: at a glance

The ASAM ATFx File Format (ATFx) is a defined format for data exchange. In structure, the ATFx file is a regular XML that usually contains information for describing one measurement. The main difference to a regular XML file is that the ATFx file contains a header element with an ASAM ODS data model. Thus, the measurement data held by the file is fully described – as the standard recommends it.
The ASAM ATFx File Format is fully readable and may reference channel data in binary files or other file attachments. It is used for data modeling, data import, and data exchange.

Ways to utilize

Data Importer based on ATFx

The ASAM ATFx File Format is readable and already compliant with ASAM ODS. Hence, it is widely used as an import format. Especially when having to import multiple data formats the ATFx file format is an ideal import format. The format can be validated, separates the concern, and reduces the number of required importers to one.

Data Modelling with ATFx

The ASAM ATFx File Format is also used for developing application models. While reviewing the data files and other, supplementing project information, the ASAM ATFx File Format is an ideal way to formalize the content. For validation, the generated ASAM ATFx File can be reviewed and visualized with the ASAMCommander.

Exchanging information with ATFx

The ASAM ATFx File Format is a common way to exchange measurement-based information. The data can be transparently exchanged between stakeholders and both sides can interpret the information. Also, information can be referenced and thus be kept in one or multiple attached binary files.


Conformity Checker

With data provided in ATFx, we can verify conformity with ASAM ODS and identify whether we files can be imported or - more importantly - whether the model conforms with ASAM ODS.


Data Exchange is more and more a complex topic. With ATFx files, there is a standardized way to share information with others. The content of the ATFx is always fully described, thus transparent. The content of the ATFx file must not match the application model in the Avalon ODS Server. Information can be reduced to a subset that should be shared with a third party.

Tool Support

At HighQSoft, ASAM ATFx is supported by ASAMCommander, ModelMapper, Manatee Web (Data Export), and HQL. The format is well integrated for imports, exports, exchange, and access.

HighQSoft GmbH

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D-65510 Idstein